This is mind-bogging, mate! How on earth you created such a remarkable podcast with AI! I feel too old and want my youth back when I was attending a science school in 1960s 😎Kudos, mate 🤠This book deserves such a recognition and you do it well. Thanks for illumination us.

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“Not like ‘some’ (never shall be named) platforms”

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Is this your voice!!! Love it!

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It just needs an Aussie accent. Doubtless they will be releasing new capabilities. This is just amazing.

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Oh… wait (reading is fundamental) … this is machine generated.. You're blowing my mind!

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It's unbelievable. Such animated discussion and extraordinary insights.

I've started to include podcasts at the end of some of my stories. https://britnip.substack.com/p/laneway-coffee

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This is such a creative and inspiring podcast, Britni. I am glad Mike shared this cool piece with me today as first thing in the early Saturday morning here. And later I listened to his masterpiece. He was like a joyful kid in a candy store 😂 He now wants to make all chapters podcast. Let's see what he would create.

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